We’re never too old to learn a new skill. Today, I am pleased to bring you a guest article from a longtime Fitness for Health guest blog contributor, Karen Weeks.
As you may have seen in the news, a range of fitness instructors in Spain are hosting exercises classes from rooftops so that quarantined residents can join in from their balcony.
Today, I am happy to bring you a guest article from a Fitness for Health student, Brian. His wise words not only celebrate National Autism Awareness Month, but are very
Today, I am happy to bring you a guest article from McKenzie Dillon. McKenzie is a blogger and sleep enthusiast for The Slumber Yard, a mattress reviews site that focuses
With many states ordering families to stay inside except for essential needs, families will be spending a lot of time together. So, today, the focus of my blog today is
As senior health is in the forefront of news coverage concerning the coronavirus outbreak, I am happy to bring you a guest article today from June Duncan. June is the
Your kids are hearing about coronavirus (COVID-19). Concern over this new virus can make children and families anxious. While we don’t know where and to what extent the disease may
Today, I am happy to bring you a guest article from Taylor Sicard. Taylor serves as the Co-Founder and CMO of Homesick, a hand-poured candle company that offers specialized scents
Do you snore loudly and often feel tired even after a full night’s sleep? You may suffer from Sleep Apnea – a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly
Today, I am happy to bring you a guest article from Deborah Jaffe. While working with special needs children for many years, in both public and private schools, she became