Category: Fitness and Weight Management

homeschool fitness

Homeschooling? Your Kids May Not Be Getting Enough Exercise

January 28th, 2020

Parents who homeschool their children may think putting them into organized sports and physical activities keeps them fit, but a study states that kids may need more physical activity.

Woman Pinching Her Belly Fat

Belly Fat Can Lead to Brain Shrinkage

January 13th, 2020

Carrying extra body fat, especially around the middle, may be linked to brain shrinkage.


Healthy Eating This Holiday Season

November 21st, 2019

Journal of the American Medical Association gives us yet another reason to eat healthy and avoid adult and childhood obesity this holiday season. People with an irregular heart rhythm could see an improvement in symptoms if they lose weight in addition to managing their other heart risks, says the study. 


Gut Health Affects Childhood Obesity

November 19th, 2019

Obesity Reviews by scientists at Wake Forest Baptist Health suggests that gut bacteria and its interactions with immune cells and metabolic organs, including fat tissue, play a key role in childhood obesity. "The medical community used to think that obesity was a result of consuming too many calories.


Seniors and Sleep: There Is a Better Way

November 14th, 2019

There are many different reasons why we lose out on a good night’s sleep -- some involve the mind, while others concern the body. Have you ever felt exhausted at the end of the day, but as soon as your head hits the pillow, your eyes pop open?


Exercise Can Prevent Osteoarthritis

November 12th, 2019

Researchers from the University of Surrey identified a crucial link between metabolism and osteoarthritis. Metabolic changes, caused by a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, trigger's the genetic reprogramming of cells in the body and joints.

What’s Scarier – Halloween Costumes or Leftover Candy?

October 31st, 2019

Happy Halloween! Today marks the unofficial beginning of the Holiday eating season. If you’re like me, fighting the temptation to splurge daily on Snickers, brownies, kugel, and cupcakes from Halloween to New Year’s Day is difficult.

Don’t Be Scared Of These Halloween Fitness Games

October 29th, 2019

Fitness for Health, a therapeutic, fitness facility for children through senior citizens in the Washington, DC, area, Marc Sickel is happy to recommend a few tips to add some “character” to your family’s workout.

Should Students Be Allowed to Take a “Mental Health Day” From School?

October 24th, 2019

New York Times on September 12, 2019, “On July 1, a law in Oregon went into effect giving students five mental health days in a three-month period. In 2018, Utah changed the definition of a student’s “valid excuse” to miss a day to include an illness “which may be mental or physical.” “ Following the example of Oregon and Utah, under a bill filed in the Florida Legislature for the 2020 session, public school students would be allowed to cite the need for a mental health day as an excuse to miss school.

Teen Suicide is “Skyrocketing”

October 22nd, 2019