Top Ways Seniors Can Reduce Body Fat and Improve Their Overall Wellness
April 27th, 2020We’re never too old to learn a new skill. Today, I am pleased to bring you a guest article from a longtime Fitness for Health guest blog contributor, Karen Weeks.

Helping Families Stay Fit While In Home Confinement
April 21st, 2020Coronavirus concerns, social distancing, gym closures, playground restrictions, and home confinement may tempt you and your family to just curl up on the couch and binge-watch Netflix. But, regular exercise

Get Your Hip and Knee Joints Moving Again with These 5 At-Home Exercises
April 20th, 2020Are your hips and knees feeling stiff, achy, or even painful? Noticing more discomfort in your joints when standing up and moving around? If so, you’re not alone. This quarantine

What is Telehealth?
April 13th, 2020As you may have seen in the news, a range of fitness instructors in Spain are hosting exercises classes from rooftops so that quarantined residents can join in from their balcony.

Get Back to Comfort with These Back Exercises – All of Which You Can Do at Home!
April 13th, 2020Are you feeling back pain after being quarantined to your home? You may be wondering, “Why is this? I’ve barely left the couch!” Well, therein lies the issue. The sedentary

Step in the Right Direction
April 6th, 2020Today, I am happy to bring you a guest article from a Fitness for Health student, Brian. His wise words not only celebrate National Autism Awareness Month, but are very

The Optimal Nighttime Routine for Seniors to Improve Sleep Quality
April 2nd, 2020Today, I am happy to bring you a guest article from McKenzie Dillon. McKenzie is a blogger and sleep enthusiast for The Slumber Yard, a mattress reviews site that focuses

March 30th, 2020With many states ordering families to stay inside except for essential needs, families will be spending a lot of time together. So, today, the focus of my blog today is

Giving Thanks During the Coronavirus
March 24th, 2020During this time of unprecedented uncertainty throughout the world, it is important to remember that good things can come out of bad situations. Although it is scary that schools and