• What is your approach?

    At Fitness for Health, we believe that reaching your physical potential goes hand-in-hand with believing in yourself. So we’ve created an innovative approach to fitness that focuses on both. We call it Success Builds Success.

  • What do I need to bring to my child’s first appointment?

    Please arrive at least 20 minutes early for your first appointment so you have time to go over the necessary paperwork. Feel free to download the patient forms, fill them out ahead of time and bring them in. Please arrive with your family insurance cards, photo ID and current list of any medications. In addition, it is very helpful if you take some time to write down questions you may have as well as common signs, symptoms and difficulties with activities your child has. We appreciate copies of any prior reports or other medical documentation that may assist the therapist with getting to know your child’s medical history. In addition, please bring any necessary equipment or assistive devices that your child commonly uses.

  • What is exergaming?

    Exergaming combines the fun of video games, cutting-edge, high-tech equipment, and other creative tools with proven fitness tactics—such as heart-pumping movement or core building balance—to help children and adults build their strength, fitness, and self-confidence while having the most fun possible.

  • What should I expect at the initial evaluation?

    The initial evaluation is a time for the therapist to get to know your child and examine his or her current levels of functioning, including strengths and areas of need. We encourage a loving and supportive environment where you and your child feel secure and comfortable. Since we work with children of all ages and developmental levels, we utilize a family-centered approach that includes observation and interaction with your child as well as feedback from you. Our therapists are the professionals, but YOU are the expert on your child!

    The evaluation session may last up to one hour, not including time to fill out any paperwork prior to meeting with the therapist. Once the evaluation is complete, the therapist will review her initial impressions about your child’s needs and, if therapy is recommended, a treatment plan of care. At that time, we encourage you to schedule your ongoing appointments with the front desk.