Category: exergaming

heart health

Celebrate Your Heart This Valentine’s Day

February 13th, 2020

Roses are red, Violets are blue, Are you ready to exercise? I have heart-healthy tips for you! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.  Does the love of your life make your heart

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Benefits of Exergaming: How Movement Improves Team Building

November 5th, 2019

Exergaming combines the fun of video games, cutting-edge technology and other creative tools with proven fitness tactics—such as heart-pumping movement—to help build strength, improve the mind/body connection and increase collaboration while having fun. It’s well known that interactive games are good for improving cognitive skills – split-second decision making, problem-solving, multitasking and increasing your attention span.

Kids’ Lung Health Now Affects Them in Adulthood

February 26th, 2019

Celebrate Your Heart This Valentine’s Day

February 12th, 2019

Virtual Reality Increases Exercise Performance

October 9th, 2018

You Don’t Need to Have a “Quarterback” Body to Be in Shape

July 24th, 2018

Exergaming May Help Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

May 22nd, 2018

Make Fitness Fun for Kids with Special Needs

November 22nd, 2016

Exergaming Improves Motor Control

July 19th, 2016

Pokemon Go Helping to Fight Childhood Obesity

July 12th, 2016