Are your hips and knees feeling stiff, achy, or even painful? Noticing more discomfort in your joints when standing up and moving around? If so, you’re not alone. This quarantine
Encouraging young people to do strength-based exercises — such as squats, push-ups and lunges — could play a key role in tackling child obesity, research suggests. Taking part in exercises
Encouraging young people to do strength-based exercises — such as squats, push-ups and lunges — could play a key role in tackling child obesity, research suggests. Taking part in exercises
Leaving school and getting a job both lead to a drop in the amount of physical activity, while becoming a mother is linked to increased weight gain, conclude two reviews
For many seniors, it can be a challenge to change their eating habits, exercise safely, and maintain social activities, and these lifestyle changes can take time to get used to.
Have you ever asked yourself why you are gaining weight even though you are not eating more fatty foods and are exercising the same amount? It could be the normal