Now that the Holidays are upon us, everywhere you go, you see happy families spending time together. So, in honor of Hanukkah, Kwanza and Christmas and their celebration of family togetherness, the focus of my blog today is the importance of family.
Family is the most important aspect of society. Family is not only the basic societal building block, it also provides invaluable life skills and forms the people we will become as adults. It teaches us child-raising, patience, basic communication skills and how to love – while being the all-around fun and friendship unit.
In our families, we love, serve, teach and learn from each other. We share our joys and our sorrows. Family ties may bring us difficult challenges, but family also gives us strength and some of our greatest happiness.
While we cannot choose the conditions of our birth, we can choose each day to make our families stronger and happier by spending quality time together having fun and playing.
Families need to work – and play – together to enhance and build stronger relationships. With an integrated, team-building approach, parents, grandparents and children can have fun playing games that also increase self-esteem – and help families bond.
So, take this holiday and school break as an opportunity to play as a family. Set aside one night to play Scrabble, go ice skating or take a walk around the neighborhood to view the holiday lights. If you feel more adventurous, create your own family games – while also creating new family traditions and memories. Your only limit is your imagination.
I wish you and your family a happy holiday!
For more ideas about family games and “family playtime,” read my previous blogs. For additional information about Fitness for Health’s programs for children and families, contact us for more information.
Tags: family, family playtime, kwanza, love, christmas, hanukkah, playing, play, playtime